Deleting JS comments from JSP pages
I have been asked to delete all the JS comments from JSP
page. The task is tedious and daunting. Deleting even a single unexpected
character can make the application unstable. If I make a 2-3 year old stable
system, unstable, I am fired. And If I have to sit and delete all the comments
manually, I will set myself on fire. Seriously..
So this is the time to do some brainstorming to avoid above
two situations. I started with regex to find the script block in JSP. After 1-2
hours of struggle, I have found out regex
- This regex will find all the opening script tag.
<script[\\S\\s]*?((/>)|(</script>)) - This will find all the script block which
include external js file.
</script - This
regex will find all the end script tag. (Attention: no closing angle bracket at
the end. This is to avoid </script --%>. Yes, some developer can comment
the entire script block with jsp comments.)
No I have 3 tools to strip off all the script blocks from
JSP. I am doing this to make sure that I am deleting only JS comments and
nothing else.
Now second step is to delete all multi-line comments first.
Why multi-line comments first, why not inline comments…
After 2 hours of testing multi-line first or inline first, I
have the answer, what would happen if I am deleting inline comments first and I
hit something like this
<script type="text/javascript">
is a heading</h1>");
is a paragraph.</p>");
is another paragraph.</p>");
Second and third comments will get deleted and next when I will
be deleting multi-line, entire multi-line comment will not get detected. And I
am screwed.
So, I decided to delete the multi-line comments first. What
I am trying to do is search a pattern inside a matched pattern. If you know how
to do this, please let me know..
I have tried some regex, here are my findings
This regex
is keeping only first comments in backreference, hence only
first comment in script block can be deleted.
And this regex
only keeps the last comments in backreference, hence this
will not work too.
I have to delete all the comments in script block. I decided
to write a program to strip off all the script blocks from the JSP and then
delete all the multi-line comments first and then all inline comments.
Writing a java program from scratch and establishing all the
infra needs like logging, file and directory handling is wasting of time, focus
on main task. Yes I will write the task only: ANT Task.
All plan set, started to write a ANT task to delete all the
JS comments from JSP files.
I will discuss the ANT task in my next post.
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